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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

8 Year Old Boy Receives Death Threats At NY School—Police And School Admins Refuse To Act

by Theresa
(Staten Island, NY)

My son who is 8 years old has been bullied for the last couple of years by the same child in the same New York Public School. He has been spit at, hit, punched, kicked, threatened and succeeded in destroying his clothes (purposely marked with markers to destroy his clothes). His coat was punctured with a sharp object and ripped, completely through the coat). The same bully tried to push my son down the 3 flights of stairs from the 3rd floor. He held on tightly to the banister and hit his head. While in the school yard he was threatened he was going to be hit in the back with balls and the threat was carried out and he had two bruises on his back. He then developed congestion in his lungs.

As of yesterday, October 19, 2017 the bully came up close behind my son in the bathroom while he was urinating in the urinal. He could not see who was behind him and asked "who is this" because the boy was very close. The boy responded and said "it’s me (the bully stated his name), he didn’t give my son no time to finish or pull of his pants and then stated you were gonna be dead on Saturday but since there is no school, you will be dead tomorrow (Friday). (My son received a Death Threat)

This incident happened around 2:30 pm at dismissal time so my son had no one to tell. He came home and told his family. He and his grandfather went to the police precinct to make a report and they were told to go back to the school and notify the safety agent and call the police from there. His grandfather took him back to the school and the principal would not allow the safety Agent to call the police to make a report. The Safety Agent was very apologetic and said he had to listen to the principal, it was his school.

The Principal treated my son very angrily about this and told his grandfather "you better think about calling the police or move on to another school by morning". Prior to my son and his grandfather going to the school, I myself called to speak with the principal and was told he was in a meeting. I was then transferred to the Assistant Principal explaining the incident she sternly said and made it very clear she was going to make the report herself and I was not to notify anyone. (The report was never made). The NY public school lied, never made reports and hid all of the bullying that has ever happened in this school.

Approximately 10 days before the bully had hit my son with the balls and was threatening him and when I, his mother went to see the principal, he ordered me and made it very clear "do not go over my head and notify anybody" and reinstated the same statement to me again. He said he would take care of it.

My son is frightened for his life not only from the bully with a death threat but now with adults in the school who will not protect him. How much can one child endure? He has developed stress asthma from all the abuse in this school. He has also developed a stuttering problem from the fear as well.
I as his mother will NOT give up and take this to this as far as I can. I will not fail him as his mother. Please anyone going through this….DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR CHILD!

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