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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

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Under the Radar

I’ve been in my current position for five years. Since I started I’ve been the target of bullying when the previous employees decided to leave because

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Another Story About Being Bullied

I tend to keep to myself. My life changed when I started to develop physically when I was a week shy of my eighth birthday. Since then, while my body matured

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Relentless Intimidation by a Group of Neighbors

I have been bullied by a group of neighbors (all friends) for over thirty years, I was only in my early forties, when they all moved in, I am now 76, the

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Fortune 500 Employer "Provides" Legal Counsel For Workplace Bully

My story is one for a Television Movie Network. Because of my strengths, the workplace bully's choice of weapon was our judicial system. The Victimizer

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A Neighbor Gossiping Is Evil

I use to consider our neighborhood to be wonderful and constantly would beam about how fortunate I was to have such wonderful neighbors. We started to

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Cyberbullying and Harassment

I been experiencing cyberbullying and harassment about four years to present. I ignored it till they kept pushing my boundaries. I had enough. They made

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One Man's Song

He worked at a job for 21 years and then he was fired. For two months after he was fired he sat in the dark in his room and chanted out loud to himself,

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Assaulted by a Male Co-worker for No Reason

This is my first time posting here. I am a female employee in my late 30s. Have been in work field for almost 16 years. I faced many work mobbing unlike

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My Son Is Being Bullied by Grown Women

My son was 4 when we finally moved out of our cramped little apartment and into a decent place. During the first summer we set up a pool and a boy stopped

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Person in Wheelchair Bullied by Abusive Neighbour While Police Do Nothing

For years my neighbour has bullied me, when he moved in he told me to not cross him or I would regret it. Well, I tried being a good neighbour, taking

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Rumors, Harassment, and More Rumors

It started when a new neighbor and her family moved in. She was discussing with me plans she had imagined for our joining front yards. When I did not like

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I Am Bullied at Every Single Job

I get bullied at every single job I work for. My first job was McDonald's and everything was going great until this manager started harassing me and then

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Obsessed Neighbor

Well, my disabled child and I bought a house and things seemed to be okay with the neighbors and the neighborhood until I noticed my wooden fence was starting

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My 13-Year-Old Daughter Is Being Bullied and the School Downplays the Abuse

My 13-year-old daughter has experienced relational, reactive, and cyberbullying. She attends an all-girls private school. Several alarming matters were

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Bad Neighbor With 5 Bad Kids

I confronted my bad neighbor with five bad kids one day because they were waking us up at all hours. The neighbor didn't deal with the complaint well and

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Mentally Bullied by Management

I am 54 years old and I have worked for a well-known pharmacy as a prescription delivery and collection driver for over 9 years. For the past approximately

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Still Optimistic

This is the subtle pyschobullying I experienced. It was covert bullying from a manager, consisting of denying me the opportunity to perform my job to the

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I'm Better Off Being Away From That Toxic Work Environment and Toxic Woman

I was bullied at my former place of work by a woman who went from being my team leader (where we got along very well) to being my supervisor. She would

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I Had the Guts to Tell Him, After Ten Years

My name is Justin. I'm a thirty-seven-year-old man living in eastern Canada, and I have a bullying story to tell. Around ten years ago, I needed work

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Graphic Design Bully

I was a victim of an unpleasant female bully while studying for an Art and Graphic Design course at a local college. At the time that it occurred, I was

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Bullied as Cleaner in a Care Home

I was a victim of indirect bullying during early lockdown. My job had begun to feel isolated anyway. Heard myself being referred to as Queer (MY Name).

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Senior MLA/POCT Co-ordinator

Right from the get-go, an unqualified trainee made it very clear that I as the senior, very experienced scientist, I was to be be of use only when it suited.

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Bullied by an Owner Rep

I am a 40-year-old executive who takes pride in his work and workplace. I work in a hotel and I take pride in my work and ensure that I achieve what is

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New Insight to What a Bully Is

I was a frequent contributor to this site and yes, I understand many of the terms 'the world' uses out there to defend their own actions. If we are to

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