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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Ask Questions At Interview

by anonymous in NJ

To avoid a possible bully situation, make sure your values and your employer's don't conflict (generally same). How to find that out? Ask questions at interview, that are more than $. What is the salary for this job? If money is the only reason for applying, you can be sure your employer has a money interest also, ie: you know you're not a high wage earner and the employer knows it, you know you need experience so does employer. They see it very clear. So, accept that you will have to take what employer pays... (say that to them in a nice way)

But before all that, if they tell of the job, and ask you questions of what you did previously or the school you went to, answer them with 'talk' / tell them WHY you want to work for this firm. (be natural) "I am looking to have a future at XYZ, can you tell me what the firm has established in the way of protocol that will allow me to advance in my skillsets as the years go along?" I don't mind starting low in wage and position, but what encouragement does XYZ provide to its workers to grow with them? (a good firm will speak of encouraging employee to learn with partial tuition reimbursement, or if not reimbursed for tuition, to provide on the job training and encouragement to learn new skills in a class, and if you speak to employer of having learned they will allow you to do... here and there.

Do they have a mentoring program so a new worker can work alongside a STELLAR employee, and learn the ropes... one secure in position, or ask: what are the prospects for my becoming more proficient in this area of endeavor. A good
firm should be able to speak of annual reviews of performance, merit pay - ie: pay based on work performance, a level structure based on what you produce.

OK...THIS IS ALL A SERIOUS BUSINESS EMPLOYER THAT VALUES COMPETENCY. You want to be competent more than just to have 'a job.'

If the first words from the interviewers mouth is the pay is $35k and 'drool' runs down your chin, you spoke what you care most about. (and the employer will take notice) There are some ads that speak of 'the salary' / In the past, an employer NEVER mentioned what their salary for the job was til the interview. It was their business reputation that drew people to apply. The salary was the employers bargaining chip based on what employee told them and spoke to them. Know your worth and an employer will provide more than 'a' job.

Stay in control, sure that's a nice salary, but DON'T JUMP. Speak and communicate that your main interest is to remain with XYZ and grow, tell them "that is a generous salary but based on what I feel I can do at this point, I would prefer a lesser salary (don't mention the benefits, that you know are part of wage package) I would prefer taking a wage 5 percent below that figure, knowing that I have the capability to be of help and want to establish that fact based on what I show you I can do. My reasons for working go beyond the paycheck, I want to work where my work is respected. I know I need to prove myself and I am willing to wait before excepting a wage of the magnitude you are offering. (IT MIGHT start the respect thing) If you always felt under-paid, and go in with that attitude, if a good wage is offered and you jump at it, you set up employer to wonder HOW LOYAL to the work of the firm you are and employer will act to protect his best interest. They will 'test you' (taunt, provoke, etc) Don't fall for the money trap. Work for less and explain WHY you are willing. BE HUMBLE. I don't deserve such, that's very generous but realistically based on my salary at zyx... I am willing to take 2 percent more than that til my credentials are established.

You'll FLOOR any management person.

Then go on to speak again of how at last employer you (state one or two accomplishments...but at zyx firm I didn't feel as satisfied even though the pay rate was very good) I applied at this firm so that I could utilize the skills I learned and I want to continue to refine those skills by the EXCELLENCE that this firm is noted for.) Compliment firm sincerely.

Management isn't BAD... but by what you speak in actions is important to you, 'they are going to react' for their best interest.

I never understood this line told when young, don't be hungry for the job (but I was, I wanted to work and I needed experience) My problem I took whatever wage they gave without SPEAKING what attributes of me would be beneficial to them, shy I was.) In good times, they kept me, til times were not good. In bad times overall where work is nil and I'm working with many hungry wolves, where money is 'the treasure' alone...be assured when everyone is working for the same treasure BULLYING will occur.

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Re: Ask
by: Anon

I've always asked questions and even got right to the POINT by asking how long the last person was there and even went further to ask if it was a high turnover position and said I would not be interested if that was the case.

I'll admit I'm sure it cost me a few jobs but why take a job when you know it won't last...I know... if you really need the work, but just trust your instincts and don't expect too much if you HAVE to take something you're not real satisfied with.

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