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Attention-Seeking Bully Is After My Daughter!
by KZimmer
(Lancaster, CA)
My daughter is being bullied. She is smart, athletic, pretty, well-behaved, and kind. The teachers at school—a small, private, Christian one—have always liked her. A girl in her class seems to want to be the center of attention. Starting in 5th grade, this girl started being really mean to my daughter. I went to the teacher—nothing. Sixth grade was horrendous; my daughter came home in tears from the harassment. Again, I went to the teacher—nothing.
The girl started telling lies about my daughter. By the end of the year, my daughter wanted us to take her out of the school. We worked very hard over the summer to build her up and teach her how to deal with this. She started standing up to the girl. The girl stopped harassing my daughter to her face but continued the lies. Every close friendship that my daughter tries to have this girl is right there wedging herself in and destroying the friendship. By the end of seventh grade, I went to the teacher again.
The teacher called the girl in and talked with her and my daughter. The girl admitted that she did not like my daughter and was purposely being mean. However, there were no consequences and no call to her parents. The parents inserted themselves in the drama a few years back and were harassing my daughter, too, esp. in sports. Eighth grade was bad, too. The girl took my daughter's best friend away, continued to tell lie after lie all the while playing the victim, worked to ruin our reputation. My daughter didn't make the first string in softball because the girl's parents are friends with coaches a school staff member told us.
The school wouldn't do anything because the parents volunteer at the school and church—which was all very calculated. Mom had said that the only way to succeed at the school was to play politics and volunteer so they started playing the game a couple of years ago. The girl has her parents wrapped around her finger; mom has flat out said that her daughter does not lie. This girl is very good at manipulation. She is sickly sweet to adults and teachers; she is very helpful. She is very good at playing the victim and uses tears to get her way.
I found an interesting article about the types of bullies; one was the attention seeking bully. It described this girl to a T. The mom has gone to many families at the school bad mouthing us. She doesn't go to people in the class because these people know the girl and she is not liked. Funny thing is: the mom was the same exact way growing up—a mean, lying bully. There are adults who have seen what goes on and who know this family who can back us up.
It is sad the damage that one girl's lies and manipulation can do. The things that go on at small, private schools are astonishing. We are now trying to figure out high school because we want our daughter away from this girl.