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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Bullies Don't Breed Overnight

I have told my story several times. Right now I would like to honor the survivors and encourage them to keep going. Everyday is an opportunity to make a difference in someone elses life. When I read about the poor children that encounter bullies in school my heart goes out to them, sometimes I am so full I feel my heart will burst.

If we tackle this problem in the schools maybe the child bully wont grow up to wreak havoc in the workplace. Bullies don't breed overnight. The problem starts in childhood. I am thankful for the publicity this problem is finally getting but, I think they do us a disservice when they feature people that really don't know the issues surrounding bullying.

Everyone needs to hear from the victims as well as the bullies themselves, then and only then will we be able to solve the problem.

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Nip the nippers in the bud
by: Trinity

So true. Even though I have a more extensive education than those who bullied me at school, they have the better jobs and the bigger income and still take my power though I'm middle aged now. There they are in politics and management, that is why there is a lack of laws against bullying, a cap on the amount you can sue a bully for, an unwritten policy of revictimisation from government departments including welfare and workers comp towards the victim. Why teachers are reluctant to get involved in 'normal school yard behaviour'. Why I stood up in an orientation session for a government job and said 'You point out the dangers of workplace bullying in orientation but victims and witnesses are continuing to be victimised by HR and management if they speak out. And what are the career prospects of your anti-harassment officers'? Grown up bullies still play the same mind-games and dirty tricks as they did in high-school.

Bullies don't breed overnight
by: Linda Guirey

You will also find that targets of bullies at school can become workplace bullies if they find themselves in a position of power and control. Similarly I know of quite a few men who were bullies at school, who became very quiet and introverted in the workplace and were then themselves targets of bullying.

Bullies don't breed overnight, but just like a child who grows up in an abusive family, won't necessarily go on to abuse, same with bullies in the schoolyard, can end up becoming targets and not bullies.

We just need to stop colluding and let's make it illegal in the workplace and stamp it out in schools.

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