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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

I Cannot Be Controlled

by Aooty
(Lynchburg, VA)

Basically, I am being bullied because I am difficult to control. I cannot devote the time I would like to devote to this church because of responsibilities that I cannot withdraw from. Family comes first.

I will not be able to retire for five years, and cannot and will not sever myself from full time employment. I suffer from two chronic diseases, which prevent me from being as active as I would like to be. I have expressed this to the group of individuals that I am employed on a part-time basis. Instead of them firing me and searching for someone who can fully devote their time and energy to them, they suffer in passive-aggressive silence and nitpick.

Demands are placed upon me that I cannot fulfill. In essence, I should have considered this before hand, but I honestly did not; assuming that I could keep up with two jobs. At my age, I am unable to, and my health is suffering exponentially for these reasons.

Passive aggressive bullying is being employed, such as trying to make me feel guilty because the United States election did not turn out in their favor, and measures of entrapment, such as trying to force me to have a conversation with an individual that is in search of a spouse. I am not in search of a spouse.

They are under the impression that because I appear to be soft-spoken that I can be manipulated into being dominated and controlled by oppression and anger. I intimated to these individuals that I am unable to fulfill the obligations required by this church. When I resigned, they could not, or would not accept it, and I agreed to stay on a limited basis. It is apparent they are unhappy with my performance. The professional thing to do would be to terminate my position.

What I fail to ascertain is why they will not act upon this option. I certainly plan to. I will not be held responsible for their unhappiness at the current leadership of the United States. As a senior citizen, I certainly do not have to validate and "identify" members of my household, or, provide a rationale as to why I choose to remain single and unattached.

I have not read or seen any federal orders mandating that all women need to be married. I would rather be horse-whipped than to be married, or even be in a relationship with anyone right now. What I choose to do with my life and who resides in my household is my personal business.

Comments for I Cannot Be Controlled

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by: Anonymous

Frankly, I would leave the organisation. They don't deserve to have you as an employee. You have resigned and there is nothing they can do about it. Stand your ground. You deserve better than what you've received.

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