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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

My Daughter Is Scared To Go To School

by Jennifer

My daughter has been bullied for two years by the same girls. Last year these girls made fun of her. Like saying go die. Nobody likes you. Dumb whore c**t. And saying why couldn't you die when your dad abused you. One day I went to the principal and told him what was happening and he brought all of them in and talked – and that's all. They chased her down the hall ganging up on her calling her names. almost punching until a teacher saw and sent my daughter to the office and let the girls go back to class. My daughter was to scared to tell him what happened cause she doesn't feel safe at school. And at home she cries and cries and she finally broke down and cut herself in the hip. Now this year they're doing the same thing and it needs to stop. It's been the third day of school and calling her names and now she's missing school again. Bullying needs to stop. She has been thinking of killing herself cause of the bullying. Please help to stop. Save a life.

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