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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Warehouse Worker Being Forced to Transfer

by Tom

I thought everything was fine. Then in one week, I was asked four times if I wanted a line transfer. I asked one of my supervisors what was going on and she said that she thinks I don't like my job anymore. Far from it, I actually care about my role! So I asked my other supervisor and he said you don't seem your happy self since your mom died!

They have gone behind my back and asked management to move me, which they are but don't know where to put me. It's really upsetting and I can't sleep at night.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

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They don't matter.
by: Anonymous

Most of the people we work with aren't even conscious enough to recognize if our character is off key any given day. They're lying (badly) - they don't care that much.

Surround yourself with genuine people and positive influences. Screw the other guys, they can't be moved so walk around them and gleefully ignore. They don't matter.

...and as always: Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. This isn't your last job. Loyalty is a dead concept these days so always have a backup plan.

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