by Luciano Lilletti
I work in public service in a very busy division, Our boss is driving most of the staff mad. The only few staff that agree with her are the only once that are treated well and the most cowards.
Mostly the most bullied persons are the Directors not the lower grades staff. Lower grades staff are not a threat for our boss. She is a woman and where ever she worked she makes trouble bullying etc. We cannot communicate between us she enters on our computers no matter for data protection. Every day something new happens. She is a Vet and not qualified for this job. That's why she do bullying because every worker is qualified more than her. We just only hope that the story repeat itself and the authority concernated drive her away from our Division. But how can this woman keep on destroying employee from a department to another?
Authorities must indulge and see her problem why she react this way with everyone and everywhere. Maybe she is an addict of who knows of what. I think it's time that we stand for our rights and she must taste some of her own medicine. God bless her. God is our own hope.
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