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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Grandson Being Bullied

by Aurora Delmar
(Lebanon, PA)

My grandson was being bullied at school. Since he started the school year, his behavior at school and home was out of hand. We decided to take him to a local counseling office and found out he was being bullied. The child was afraid to go to school and came home complaining about pain and we thought he was playing rough at the school's playground.

We would take him to school and had to wait and watch while he was online to make sure this kid did not harm or threaten him. I told the school principal and seemed they were not doing anything. We requested a meeting with the child's parents and were told they will see what they can do.

The child would even bully other children in the school and kids were afraid of him even would get in front of the line at lunch time pushing those in front of him.

One day when I took my grandson to school I asked him if he saw the child and when he told me who the child is by pointing at him I was shock to see this kid three times his size in weight and height. I lost it and went up to the child and had a few words with him in the cafeteria and berated and faulted him as he did my grandson.

Ever since, the child has not bothered my grandson even apologize and now they are friends. This caused me to get a summons and I am not allowed on school grounds.

For what it is worth, I am glad I did what I did because it stopped this kid from bullying my grandson and made the school act on the matter. I am not saying that my decision was the right one, but the pain of what we saw my grandson going through escalated to this action.

I am not encouraging other parents to act the way I did. I think schools should at least be communicating with parents and when children act this way, they should take the situation more seriously. Obviously this child felt he could do what he wanted. On the day I said what I did to him, he still threaten my grandson by telling him he was lucky this time.

What advise do other people in this situation have. We still have not gotten even an apology letter or update from the school on this.

Angry Grandmother

Comments for Grandson Being Bullied

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Gutsy but dangerous
by: Anonymous

I admire your no-nonsense approach to confronting this bully but in today's crazy world you could have been charged with threatening or worse. I am facing a similar situation with my grandson and am planning a meeting with the school principle/counselor to ask what they plan to do about the situation. Hinting at contacting the local daily paper instills fear in those 'educators' who don't want to be bothered with issues such as this but, instead, care only about their school's ranking in the state or county.

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