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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

When Work Becomes A War Zone

by Tracy

I have been at my current job for over 9 years. Last fall a new Director was hired and she has waged war against quite a few white female employes. She is black and treats the black employees much better than the white employes.

I consider myself very skilled at my job and I am liked by the majority of my coworkers. In the last year she has taken multiple steps to build a case to terminate me. She has denied me vacation time told other employes that they could not work my shifts which is against company policy, and completed a very negative employee evaluation on me. I have gone to administration several times to try and get help. Nothing has been done and I am to the point of having a nervous breakdown.

At one point administration met with all the employees to investigate multiple complaints against her and again after that she took measures to retaliate against me. This company has written policies against retaliation and bullies but yet they do nothing.

The Monday before Thanksgiving she had a meeting with me to tell me that my attitude did not meet the company standards and I had 30 days to improve on it. This past Monday, the Monday before Christmas she tells me that my thirty days are up and she has had another complaint against me and this time there would be action taken against me because of it. I again contacted administration and was told that they had to investigate matters and when I questioned her timing was simply told that it was just my misfortune to have a complaint filed against me the week before Christmas.

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